Q166 The CUSTOMERS table has a CUST_LAST_NAME column of data type VARCHAR2.
The table has two rows whose CUST_LAST_NAME values are Anderson and Ausson.
Which query produces output for CUST_LAST_NAME containing Oder for the first row and Aus for the second?
- A. SELECT REPLACE (TRIM(TRAILING ‘son’ FROM cust_last_name), ‘An’, ‘O’) FROM customers;
- B. SELECT INITCAP (REPLACE(TRIM(‘son’ FROM cust_last_name), ‘An’, ‘O’)) FROM customers;
- C. SELECT REPLACE (SUBSTR(cust_last_name, -3), ‘An’, ‘O’) FROM customers;
- D. SELECT REPLACE (REPLACE(cust_last_name, ‘son’, ”), ‘An’, ‘O’) FROM customers;
Answer: D